A Bed A Boat and A River*

(actually 20 beds, 4 boats, and the Kwilu River)

Normally the east and west banks of the Kwilu in Kandale are traversed by a ‘bac’. The bac is a ferry that moves from shore to shore with the help of adjustable rudders and moving water. It is very simple and ingenious. The bac is very effective when carrying trucks, commuters, and even cattle. Unfortunately, the bac is no longer in operation and work has begun on a bridge, the first ever, but completion of the bridge is a long way off.  

The 20 beds have had to be transported by dugout canoe or pirogue in French. The dugout canoe parallels the history of humanity and for most cultures it predates the wheel. The Kwilu is full at this time of the year and the REVE Kandale crew has been busy loading the dugouts and steering the beds from shore to shore. A precarious journey, one of many these canoes have seen over the years. Once collected on the western shore they will need to be carried the four miles up to Kandale. With the ongoing bridge construction, there is competition for the river stones. Merveille Gilatulu, the REVE Kandale Teamleader, will be negotiating with the bridge construction team to use their truck and transport the stones from the river to Kandale.

Last Sunday the truck arrived in Kandale. Merveille was on hand to supervise the unpacking. Everything arrived safely and all the materials were organized and stored to await the arrival of Colette, Julie and James. Amongst the many items packed into the barrels, the girls found a cache of dresses donated by “Project Dress A Girl”. Their smiles speak volumes. As the unpacking continues we anticipate many, many more smiles.

The garden continues to flourish. As the dry season approaches, the new water pump will be greatly needed to maintain all the leafy greens and lush vegetables. 

Julie Martel arrives in Kinshasa on Wednesday and James Kabunga, a few days later. After collecting a few last minute items, the team will leave for Kandale, eight hours to Kikwit and another six to Kandale. If all goes well, a two day trip. Safe travels.