FAQs — REVE Kandale

Frequently Asked Questions?

What does "REVE" mean?

REVE is a French acronym for Réhabilitation de l'Espace Vert et des Ecoles (in English: Rehabilitation of Green Space and Schools). It also is the French word that translates to English as “dream.”

When was REVE Kandale founded?

The Réhabilitation de l'Espace Vert et des Ecoles (REVE) was founded in 2010 and became officially registered as an NGO in 2011, in the Democratic Republic of the Congo (CFR - ARRETE MINISTERIEL No. 759/CAB/MIN/J&DH/2011 DU 02 DEC 2011- MINISTERE DE LA JUSTICE ET DROITS DE L’HOMME).

Why was REVE Kandale founded?

Colette Ramm was the driving force behind REVE Kandale. She grew up in Kandale and was a teacher there before moving to the United States in the 1980s with her husband, Greg Ramm, who was a Peace Corps volunteer in Kandale in the early 1980s. Colette wanted to give back to her community, and with residents of Kandale and former residents living in the diaspora, she helped organize the community into an effective self-help organization intent on providing a better future for the children of Kandale.

What is the difference between REVE Kandale and REVE Kandale Foundation?

REVE Kandale is a nonprofit, nongovernmental organization based in Kandale and registered with the Congolese government. It was founded in 2010 and comprises approximately 100 dues-paying members who make decisions on development projects for the cluster of villages in southern Bandundu that make up Kandale. REVE Kandale Foundation is a U.S.-based 501(c)(3) organization, founded in 2016 primarily to raise funds to support the development work carried out by REVE Kandale in Congo.

How does REVE Kandale Foundation ensure that funds are used effectively and with a view to having the greatest impact?

Members of the REVE Kandale Foundation board work closely with REVE Kandale in Congo on oversight. REVE Kandale founder Colette Ramm serves on the Boards of both organizations, is in frequent contact with the REVE Kandale team on the ground in Congo, and travels to Kandale approximately once per year to monitor projects. In Kandale, the local organization selects projects in a transparent and democratic manner in which all dues-paying members can vote on projects to identify those that best address local needs.

How are development projects selected?

Dues-paying members of REVE Kandale meet biennially in a General Assembly to select the leadership of the organization – a coordinator and two assistant coordinators – via a democratic vote. Every year the membership meets to select projects for the coming year, again via a transparent vote. Each member is given three stones or beans and can choose projects represented by three bowls placed upon a table in front of the entire assembly. The member can place all three stones – or votes – in one bowl or divide them among the different bowls/projects. Votes are counted in front of the assembly.

Does either REVE Kandale or REVE Kandale Foundation engange in political activity?

No. Both nongovernmental organizations focus strictly on development projects in the areas of education, reforestation, and empowerment of girls and women. They play no role in political activity either in Congo or in the United States.

How far is Kandale from Congo's Capital, Kinshasa?

Kandale is 500 miles (750 kilometers) from Kinshasa and a 12 to 14-hour drive in a 4x4 vehicle to get there.

How much does school fee cost in Kandale?

School fees alone, without books and uniforms, was $85 for the year 2018. This varies from year to year.

What's the distance from the nearest city to Kandale?

Gungu, the seat of Kwilu District, is 35 miles away. Kikwit, the capital of Bandundu Region, is 150 miles away.

Does REVE Kandale offer volunteer opportunities?

REVE Kandale Foundation occasionally has a need for volunteers, but most of the needed services are for grant writing, organizing fundraising events, and language translation in the United States. We do not currently coordinate a volunteer program in Kandale, but some limited volunteer opportunities do exist if you have specialized skills or experience related to one of our program areas (professional photographer or videographer, water technology, teacher training, construction, soccer coach, etc.), and are willing to travel to Kandale independently.

If you are interested in volunteering with Reve Kandale Foundation, please contact us at info@revekandale.org. A member of our Board will respond. It is helpful if you can include information about the skills you offer and the type of work that most interests you in the areas of education, environment, and empowerment of girls and women.

How is REVE Kandale Foundation founded?

REVE Kandale Foundation relies entirely on voluntary donations from individuals, church organizations, corporations, and other institutional donors.

How can I obtain information on REVE Kandale Foundation’s finances?

As a 501(c)(3) organization, REVE Kandale Foundation is required to file an IRS Form 990 annually. Our Form 990s are available at https://www.guidestar.org or on our website at http://www.revekandale.org on the Financials page under About Us.

How can I make a donation?

There are two ways to make a donation:

1. One-time or automatically recurring donations can be made via our on-line giving portal. Click here to make your donation.

2. You can download a printable form here if you wish to mail in a donation via check or credit card (one time donations).

Will REVE Kandale Foundation share or sell my personal information?

No. We will never share your information with outside parties. We will keep you apprised of how your donation is being used and keep you up to date on news from the Kandale community. If you would prefer not to receive these updates, just let us know.

Who is your contact person in Congo?

Mr. Beleji Modeste Kashitu, is our focal point in Kinshasa, DR Congo. He can be reached at +243 (0) 844813550 (WhatAssap)

Do you accept in-kind donations?

Yes. Visit our "How to Help" page to learn more.