An Abundance of Joy

Life continues in Kandale and with every passing week there are constant reminders that life is changing…for the better. 

Students are enthusiastic about their lessons.

The garden is under constant care with new crops harvested and the ground lovingly tilled. New fences are constantly needed to accommodate the expanding garden and to keep out the voracious goats.

Unfortunately the rainy season often makes the northern road out of Gungu impassable. The wet clay becomes very slick and only allows motorcycles to pass. Many people will make the 8 km journey on foot to navigate this stretch, but with heavy bundles it is very challenging. People can be seen at the top of the photo, walking the slippery path. The local road crew has been dispatched to repair the damage, as it is a critical thoroughfare for agricultural goods bound for Kinshasa and other towns along the way. This impasse might also delay the arrival of the new water pump, but it has not delayed the collection of stones.

 Everyone has been participating in the collection, young and old, student and teacher alike. Here in the US, one might bring your favorite teacher an apple, in Kandale one’s enthusiasm is measured in rocks. The pile grows day by day.

On Friday, February 2nd, the Democratic Republic of Congo, (The Leopards), beat Guinea 3-1 in the African Cup of Nations. The Multi-Purpose Center was very crowded with enthusiastic viewers. A screen was set up and connected to the internet, so that people could watch the match. This was a first for Kandale. This past Wednesday the Multi Purpose Center was even more packed to watch the semi-finals with DRC competing against Ivory Coast.  It was very, very exciting!!! Unfortunately Ivory Coast won 1 – 0. Every one was very disappointed, but it was unique opportunity to bring the community together. One person in attendance wrote, “Mama you’ve done a wonderful thing. We are very happy. Everybody is gathered in the multipurpose center to watch the games.” The connections to the greater world grow day by day.

* Last month's Communiqué was mistakenly dated December 21, 2024 instead of January 21. Oops!