Moving at Full Tilt

Progress on the ground is happening at a remarkable pace. The images that follow are only an overview of the day to day occurrences. The captions have been provided by quotes from Colette and Julie. Within the Communiqué there are several videos that demonstrate the active joy of the community.

Pam and Chris’ shawls made their debut at church yesterday. They were much appreciated.

To see the choir singing,

Click here.

James, the project technical lead from Uganda, is examining the flow rate. On Saturday James ran the water most of the day to see how much can be produced. Friday, we pumped over 11,000 gallons in less than 3.5 hours.

The pump has an app where performance can be monitored. You can see how the flow rate fluctuates with cloud cover. This picture was taken when it was cloudy so the flow rate is slow. When it is sunny the 5,000 liter cistern will fill in an hour. So, make hay while the sun shines! The pump is down 92 meters and it is sitting in just over 12 meters of water. The water supply looks good.

Local team helping out from dawn to dusk.

To see some fun while working,

Click here,

A critical part of the water project has been the mobilization of the people to bring endless amounts of stone and gravel for the foundations of the structures. People from the church and community as well as each of the schools have made repeated visits to provide piles of these necessary supplies for the builders.

An additional structure. This is the start of a building to hold the counter where water will be distributed. The water will come from the cisterns into this house and the person working the counter will control the faucets that send water outside where people will fill their bidons.

Colette and James discussing the day’s progress.

Even the youngest are pitching in.

Click here. 

Women at the grinder.

The water is flowing again!!!

To see the pump in action!!!

Click here. 

The team in Kandale took the initiative to design and build this delightful structure. It is an outdoor meeting area that has proven quite useful. The REVE Kandale team built this using older bricks and cement that was going bad. It is great to see them applying the skills they have learned. This is a picture of a meeting with the faculty of Institute Gufwa Gubila, one of the secondary schools we hope to rebuild.

An early peak inside the pump house.

The girls are enjoying the cool water!

Click here.

Distribution of newborn kits at Kandale maternity. The kits were donated by the Truth and Hope Women Group.

This is the start of the foundation for the two cisterns. A very strong foundation is needed to hold 10,000 liters of water. The water will go from the cisterns into the counter house and the person working the counter will control the faucets that send water outside where people will fill their bidons.

Now that the water is flowing people are eagerly showing up with bidons.

New bedding delivered at the girls dormitory with much appreciation. Thanks to Tina and Cathy from Truth and Hope Women Group in northern Virginia.

To hear the gleeful children singing a song of welcome and thanks,

Click here.

We had a meeting with community and school leadership on potential plans to rebuild the high schools. They were very grateful at the prospect of improving the old buildings and the discussion went very well.

There was a friendly girls soccer game between Kashitu Village and Kandale Mission Station. The game ended in a draw, 1-1. They played well and there was tremendous enthusiasm for the game from the community. The bodes well for our first ever planned girls’ soccer tournament in 2025. The grinder mill and availability of water in the village has reduced the girls’ responsibilities at home thus making it easier for them to have time to practice after school.

The pump house has a nice red roof and protects the well. It contains the equipment to monitor the pump.

To see the an example of the rich cultural heritage of the people of Kandale,

Click here. 

The celebrations continue and life is improving rapidly in Kandale.