A Game Changer


Jeunesse Sportif de Kandale has won the tournament. From a field of 20 teams and a generous supply of intrigue, Kandale beat Kifuza 1- 0. Late in the afternoon with failing light, Kandale and Kifuza were tied 0- 0. The tie required the teams to compete the following morning for extended time, wherein Kandale scored the winning goal. Prior to the quarter finals there was a great deal of controversy about a team member who had received a red card, but somehow managed to participate in the matches that week. The teams were very frustrated about this evasion of the rules and the games had to be delayed for a week until Mangala, the Vice-President of REVE Kandale, could arrive from Gungu to make a determination. One of the judges, who happened to come from the village of the team in question, decided against a forfeit of the games. Apparently, the judge was stuck between a rock and a hard place. Mangala interceded and eliminated the team for the violation, and the games proceeded. Other concerns involved ‘black magic’ and potential ‘spells’ invoked in one of the team’s rooms. The semi finals involved the four towns of Kifuza, Sangu, Mukwatshi and Kandale. All four teams were strong, and the competition was fierce. The greatest difficulty was overcoming the heat and lack of light. The games could only be played early in the morning and in the late afternoon, but the afternoon games were often delayed until the following morning as the setting sun established the day’s end.


The quarterfinals:

Kizanga vs. Sans Doute de Mukwatshi 0-3
Jeunesse Sportif de Kandale vs. Wayaweza de Kiboba, forfeit by Kiboba

Sangu vs. Ndumba 4-3

Tago vs. Nouvelle Generation de Kifuza 2-3

The semifinals:

Mukwatshi vs. Kifuza. 2-4

Kandale vs. Sangu. 3-0


According to Mangala, all of Gungu was shut down for the Closing Ceremony and Kandale was packed with excited fans. People arrived by motorcycle, bicycle and on foot. Many people traveled 50 km or more for the event. Mangala, in his closing remarks, was deeply moved with the presence of so many people, and he praised the teams for their hard work and genuine camaraderie, and for all the support they received from their communities. It was truly a unique event for the community at large. Kifuza was in second place and all the members received silver medals and cash awards. Sangu, in third place, received bronze medals and cash awards, and Kandale, the first-place winner, came away with a gold trophy and cash awards. All participating teams received a new soccer ball as well. Many people put in a great deal of time and effort to make this event possible, least of which is Kick for Nick and Dwight Short, who have supported the progress of the sport for many years, including gear, medals and development of the field. In Kandale many individuals spent long hours promoting the event while others worked very hard in creating the infrastructure, including barriers, shelters, and toilets. The organizing team negotiated the sound system from a local merchant for the event and according to the police, everyone was on their best behavior with no alcohol on the Mission or youthful ‘indiscretions’. Evidently many friendships were rekindled, and old ones resumed and, if the rumor mill is accurate, many romances were sparked as a result of this momentous occasion. It was also an opportunity for the community of Kandale to reflect upon the possibilities for the future. All the tukuls were rented out and many individuals took advantage of this event to sell a variety of foods and beverages. From a marketing point of view there is a great potential for the community to organize this aspect of the event.

Here is a link to a two minute video of the Closing Ceremony for the Tournament, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lost6gJ5sow. The sound leaves a little to be desired but it genuinely captures the excitement on the field. Enjoy!!!


This event was also an incredible occasion to showcase the new classrooms under construction and demonstrate all the improvements that have occurred over the past several years. The people of Kandale are proud of what their community has become and, as if riding the momentum of the tournament, the community has turned their efforts back toward the classrooms and dormitories. There was a mishap with a truck hired from the Trappists monks in Kasanza, involving some sort of engine explosion some 15 km from Kandale. Luckily the truck was able to complete the delivery of new desks, tin, cement, rebar, and wood to build the roof. The desks were fabricated in Kikwit but assembled on site as it was more efficient to transport the materials than the bulky fully assembled desks. Several carpenters traveled with the shipment to do the work. Saint Mark Presbyterian Church donated money to complete the renovation of the 2 girls’ dormitories, that will house an additional 40 girls. This renovation requires the structures to be built from the ground up, repairing the dilapidated walls and new ceilings. There is now enough money to complete the seven classrooms, and a generous donor has given money to buy desks for all 7 classrooms in memory of her friend who died of COVID-19. Presently funding is still needed to purchase windows, paint, and many supplemental items.


Colette leaves for Kandale in a week to continue the hard work of building the school and organizing the community. As always, our thoughts and prayers go with her for a safe journey and a productive experience in Kandale. Kwenda mbote Mama!!!