A Year Like No Other, and Still More to Do

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Dear Friends,


As a difficult year comes to an end, we at REVE Kandale Foundation want to thank you for your generous support, which has meant so much to our friends in Kandale.

We wish you the very best Season’s Greetings and look forward to a prosperous New Year. The Kandale community, under the leadership of our partner organization in DRC, REVE Kandale, has accomplished a great deal in the face of so much adversity over the past year.

As you read this message, the community is finishing work on the foundation for a new seven-classroom block for the primary school. They have enough materials to begin raising the walls, but are still well short of what they need to complete the building.

Your donation will help us ensure that the children of Kandale have a safe and nurturing environment in which to live and learn, including completing the seven classrooms by the opening of the 2021-2022 school year. And thanks to a generous donor who has pledged to match contributions up to a total of $1,000, your donation will go even further to help the Kandale community.

The children in Kandale are counting on your support to build enough classrooms so that they will no longer have to travel by canoe across the Kwilu River to attend classes in a neighboring village.

We are proud of all that the Kandale community has achieved this year.

Schools in Kandale and throughout the DRC were closed abruptly in March because of the coronavirus pandemic. Nonetheless, students were able to take the all-important state exams in September in the multipurpose education building constructed with the help of donors like you. For the first time, they were able to sit for the exams in a safe environment without interruption from the heavy rains.

The improved conditions no doubt played a role in the 83 percent pass rate for students at Institut Gufwa Gubila, one of two secondary schools in Kandale. We are still awaiting results for students in the technical programs – including sewing -- at Lyceé Gina Gisanga.

Your continued support can help us realize our dream of education for all of the children in Kandale. REVE Kandale is ready to provide the labor and muscle to get the work done; the community merely lacks sufficient funding to buy the materials. Will you continue your support and consider a larger contribution so we can realize that dream?