In living and working directly with the lovely people of Kandale, we experienced a culture very different from our own: the sounds of singing and the energy of dancing were constant as was the sense of community, friendliness, honesty, and hard work. The people, their lives, and their environment definitely broadened my own outlook on life. Our visit to Kandale in October 2018 was one of my greatest travel experiences.
--David Whitford (center in red t-shirt), 2018 Trip
By traveling to Kandale, I made very special friends I hold dear and memories that will last a lifetime. I was impressed by the friendliness of the people of Kandale and by how welcome they made me feel as we worked as a team to complete the job. I am particularly grateful for the help I received from Merveille and Devos, the two REVE Kandale staff members who assisted me throughout the installation process.
--Dr. Karl Kontz, 2018 Trip
Saint Mark has been giving to REVE Kandale for the past five years. REVE Kandale is an organization that invests in the community and requires that the community invest in the project. That’s a wonderful way of sustaining and growing a project. When the community invests in a project that definitely helps make a project more powerful and more meaningful.
—Elder Alison Dewey, Saint Mark Presbyterian Church
I think what people here see when they look at REVE Kandale, is a community that has come together in spite of all the challenges of Kandale and of the Congo. A place with no running water or electricity, a place where the schools have fallen apart, where economic development is very difficult. What people see, are people organizing themselves, helping themselves and asking for people to join them in those efforts. All these projects are matching the financial effort and the labor of the people of Kandale, who have come together for their own development.
— Greg Ramm - Co-Founder and Board Chair
Since the creation of REVE Kandale, as a rural development project, this initiative has raised a lot of hopes in the community. Today, a few years later, when I see students studying in new classrooms, girls at the sewing school having new sewing machines, the construction of a multi-purpose center equipped with computers, a library and solar panels, sports competition with football matches and reforestation project, as a palpable reality, I am very happy to see that no hope was disappointed. I invite each of us to further support these laudable efforts of Mrs. Colette and her husband Greg Ramm as well as the African and Western donors who have helped a smile to youth in Kandale from where some champions of tomorrow Congo will emerge.
—Bellarbin Kukapa - Member, Opération 1000 Tôles
Watch video!
REVE Kandale Donor: Why We Give - video
REVE Kandale Volunteers - Solar Project - video